Home Reviews A Beginner’s Guide to Spray Nozzles

A Beginner’s Guide to Spray Nozzles

A Beginner’s Guide to Spray Nozzles
Nozzle of the tractor sprinklers sprayed.

Spray nozzles have a nearly infinite amount of use cases in various industrial applications. These use cases can range anywhere from simple spraying applications to complex and precise applications that are critical to a specific manufacturing process.

In this article, we’ll look at several key elements that make up spray nozzles and how they can be appropriate for various applications.

What Is A Spray Nozzle

The term spray nozzle refers to the entire category of products that can be used to either dispense a liquid in a precise and specific way or be used submerged to introduce additional substances into a tank or remove gasses.

That sounds like an extremely broad range of uses, and while it is, it becomes much easier to understand them when we start breaking down each category.

Spray Nozzles And Patterns

Many spray nozzles are used to dispense a liquid onto a surface. Depending on the liquid and surface, this will determine what spray pattern will be most effective.

Fan Spray

Fan sprays fall into two main categories, those being axial and deflector. Fan sprays can work best for covering large areas that need relatively uniform distribution.

As the names suggest, axial spray nozzles emit directly from the nozzle and the pattern widens as it moves away from the nozzle. A deflector uses a physical barrier machined into the nozzle to deflect the outgoing liquid.

Spiral Spray Nozzles

These nozzles use a spiral-shaped design that causes a mixture of light spray patterns or misting along with heavier droplets toward the middle of the pattern.

Full Cone Spray Nozzle

A full cone spray nozzle will emit the liquid in a uniform pattern that looks like a cone shape, with the smallest area of the cone pattern being where the liquid is emitting and the large area being the affected surface.

Misting And Air Atomizing Nozzles

These nozzles generate the smallest droplets, with misting nozzles creating droplets that have some buoyancy in the surrounding air but still fall toward the surface.

Air atomizing nozzles introduce compresses or other gasses before the liquid leaves the nozzle to produce an extremely fine spray pattern.

Submerged Nozzles

Some nozzles are designed to be used inside of a tank which can be either open or closed. These nozzles are known as venturi pumps or injection pumps.

They have no moving parts, and instead, use a unique and carefully engineered venturi shape at the end of the nozzle. This can be used to mix liquids or even add or remove gasses present in a tank or liquid.

More Information On Spray Nozzles

We’ve just touched on the basics of spray nozzles in this article, but the number of nozzles and applications can be almost limitless. We have over 70 years of experience designing and manufacturing our products.

BETE is a fourth-generation family-owned company founded in Greenfield, MA, in 1950. It has grown to have a prominent international presence in many countries because of innovations that improve sustainable operations in various industries–including Food & Beverage Processing, Chemical Processing, Energy, and Pollution Control.