Home Business Best Assets for Onboarding New Employees 

Best Assets for Onboarding New Employees 

Best Assets for Onboarding New Employees 

Onboarding is a critical part of employee retention, especially for startups where turnover rates can reach 70% within the first year. In a recent survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), nearly half of HR professionals said they had difficulty hiring qualified candidates because of poor onboarding practices. Onboarding is a crucial step in the employment relationship between employers and their employees, so follow these best practices to create a happy and productive team from the first day of work! 

Are Company Policies and Procedures Clear? 

This might seem like a no-brainer, but a well-written policy is essential for helping employees understand what they should expect from the organization, what they are doing, and why it matters how they behave. The best way to ensure compliance is by creating a comprehensive onboarding process that includes training materials, checklists, and processes. This will help employees understand what they should do during onboarding and provide them with the tools they need to complete it successfully. It will also allow HR staff to identify any gaps in knowledge or skills before new hires start working.

Engage Them from Day One.

Onboarding is not just about getting them started; it’s about making sure they stay engaged. It involves setting expectations, providing clear information, and helping people feel comfortable with the new way of doing things. So, what motivates them? Why did they choose this career path? What are their values? An easy entry point is to ask: “What would you like to see here?”  Doing so can help you understand where they are coming from and what they expect out of this experience. It may also involve creating a welcome email, setting expectations around privacy, explaining why they should care about your product, and so on. 

Here’s one advantage of working with a recruitment firm: this kind of personalized approach has been applied from the start! For example, at Recruiterie, they believe that each recruitment is as unique as the company and the position for which we are recruiting. To that end, they invest time in both the companies and candidates they build relationships with and work for.

Assist with Introductions to Key Team Members and Vendors 

One of the most important aspects of onboarding is getting newly acquired talent acquainted with tenured employees. Consider who the employee will work with on a regular basis. While it might not be practical for them to meet everyone in the business, ensure they meet key people like team leads, the accounting or billing departments, the human resources team and the IT department. This allows new employees to know the go-to people for both their daily work and any other work-related needs. 

Don’t forget about sending recommendations for vendors to make their job easier! For example, The Print Authority is a fantastic resource for a new hire to have at the ready for business cards, training materials, marketing materials and more. 

Strike the Right Balance with Training Intensity.

It can be easy to over- or under-train, and each has its own disadvantages. With over-training, the employees are overwhelmed by new information. You might think this would get them up to speed faster, but human brains can’t retain that much information. Give your new employees time to work and learn independently. 

Meanwhile, under-training is just as ineffective. You’re effectively telling employees that they need to figure out everything with little support. This negatively impacts morale because it makes employees feel like you don’t care about their success. It can leave even the most confident employees feeling vulnerable and unsure of their place at your company.

Encourage Communication in All Forms.

It’s important to check in with your new employees at various points during the onboarding process. You can’t know how a new hire is adjusting unless you ask them outright. Check in to see what they’ve learned so far, where they need support and whether they have any unanswered questions. Be sure to listen to their comments with an open mind, as this will encourage them to share ideas that could ultimately strengthen your business. 

A great way to encourage team-wide communication is to invest in a platform like Preciate: their Social Presence® platform promotes authentic connections that accelerate business by allowing people to naturally move through virtual spaces.  

The onboarding process is integral to helping new employees get properly established. Having the right approach ensures success for both your employees and your company overall. By adopting these best practices, you can develop an optimal process for transitioning talent onto any team!