As we are in the digital age, it’s easy to assume that the printed form is dead. Since we could access information quickly with a simple type or click of the mouse, it comes into question why we would still use printers in the first place. The answer is this: print is not dead and is still relevant in the age of technology. In a study conducted by Lexmark, they found that 8 out of 10 businesses around the world rely on printers to perform daily operations. 50% of them say that they cannot operate without a printer.
The study goes further into the average number of sheets each profession uses. The law field uses 240 pages per day; The automotive field uses 238 pages per day; The healthcare field uses 178 pages a day; Finally, Accounting and Finance use an average of 50 pages a day. While digital documents may be convenient, printed paper encourages longer attention spans as well as stronger working memory. To validate this claim, Lexmark placed 33 readers in a laboratory and had them read something on a screen and printed paper. When the results came back, 29 out of the 33 readers said that they learned more from the paper than the screens.
Learn more about how to choose the best small business printer in the infographic below:

Source: Lexmark.com