As more and more companies are moving to cloud computing, and with President Biden’s recent executive order enhancing the need for cybersecurity compliance in both the public and private sectors, IT managed services are more in-demand than ever.
However, as with any great industrial change, it’s not uncommon for rumors, worries and hesitancy to reign supreme that attempt to resist a new norm. And, of course, turning much of our business IT infrastructure to an always-online and cloud-supported system can seem quite troubling, especially to those who may have been involved with the data management backup strategy for a select firm.
In this post, then, we hope to complete a careful assessment of the common misconceptions you’re likely to hear, and instead of telling you not to worry about them, show you why they may be incorrect and why adopting this new standard could potentially alleviate your business of unnecessary friction in its workflow.
Misconception 1: “I’m handing over the keys to my IT infrastructure and sensitive data!”
When transitioning to the cloud, all of your secure data will be encrypted and remains secure and inaccessible to managed IT service staff. However, what they can also do is integrate renewed cybersecurity efforts to make sure that your firm is not only protected from that misconception but more readily strengthened against actual cybersecurity threats designed by cybercriminals or foreign entities that really do want to steal your data. With careful protection, round-the-clock observation, and well-protected physical server locations, you’re increasing your security through moving to a managed IT service, rather than handing over the keys.
Misconception 2: “I already have an IT department, so why do I need a third party service?”
Instead of thinking of IT managed services as a complete replacement of your current IT infrastructure, think of them as a seamlessly applied aid that can help you conform to a new cloud computing standard, taking over the boring tasks that waste the time of your IT professionals, taking them away from long-term strategic planning and expansion efforts.
Misconception 3: “Surely a full management of all my IT and infrastructure is going to cost more than just curating this in-house?”
It’s not uncommon to think this, and of course, you’d be forgiven for thinking the improvement and better care of your IT would lead to more intensive costs. But subscription services offered by many IT companies have allowed for huge one-time expenses to be more affordably measured over a longer period, while also allowing for a patchwork of tiers that help you assess what needs you have and apply them to your business in a modular fashion. This means you never have to spend a penny on a service you’re never going to use, and no fees are hidden. Furthermore, the costs you save in valued daily labor, freeing up your professionals from the menial security and infrastructure maintenance tasks they would have otherwise kept up with, can almost pay for this service itself, in effect.
With this advice, we hope you can remain informed when considering your future utilizing managed IT services.