Companies offer fast food customers a fast, easy, fun way to not only win discounts on future fast food purchases but also give feedback about their most recent fast food experience. There are many restaurant management tools that fast food companies use to gather customer feedback. One of these is the survey found on the back of most fast food receipts and ask questions about the speed of service, the cleanliness of the restaurant, how many people were in line with you when you arrived at the counter, if there was enough ketchup packets available for your meal or if someone offered you enough napkins during your meal etc.
When corporations purchase data mining software they usually want to learn about their customers’ habits – what hours they visit fast food restaurants, what they order while dining in the restaurants and other similar questions about their consumer base. Fast food surveys allow customers to communicate with fast food companies and share their thoughts, suggestions and complaints while also providing valuable insights about the company’s customer service, products and marketing.
Fast food surveys have become increasingly popular in recent years as fast food chains attempt to improve their public image. Fast food surveys usually consist of a few questions that are easy to answer and generally do not require much time to complete.
However, despite the growing trend of fast food surveys, there are still some customers who choose not to participate for a variety of reasons. Some people may feel that their feedback will not make a difference or that fast food companies are not interested in what fast food customers have to say. Fast food surveys are also sometimes not offered at smaller fast food restaurants that do not have the resources or the manpower necessary to print fast food surveys on their fast food receipts.
Do fast food customers really fill out the surveys on their receipts? Not all fast food customers take the time to complete fast food surveys, but many do participate and use these tools to share feedback with fast food chains about their experiences.