We cannot deny the fact that technology is having a massive impact on the world that we live in today. Technological advances are being made in all industries, and they are having a profound impact. This is something that is certainly the case when it comes to the world of manufacturing. With that being said, we are going to take a look at the history and future of manufacturing in further detail below.
What are some of the significant technological advances that have been made in manufacturing in the past?
Before we look at the future of manufacturing systems from a technological standpoint, we need to consider the past. The first major shift in the manufacturing sector occurred in the 18th century during the Industrial Revolution. Prior to this, items were crafted by hand. However, this period in time was when processes were created that enabled products to be produced by machines. Production times and costs were reduced considerably across many industries as a consequence of this. The market shifted as well, with different materials coming to the fore, such as cotton overtaking wool in the textile market.
What sort of manufacturing systems can we expect in the future?
There are a number of different trends and inventions that we are likely to see have a significant impact on manufacturing in the future.
Advancing robotics and automation
Advancing robotics and automation is certainly a very interesting field. Collaborative robots enable incremental investment, which means that manufacturers have the ability to automate processes, so that one or two processes will no longer need to consume a disproportionate share of the cost of the project.
3D printing and additive manufacturing
In addition to this, we have to look at 3D printing and additive manufacturing, which has come on leaps and bounds over the past decade. Back in 2013, the market was worth $3 billion. However, GlobalData has predicted that this figure is going to reach $20 billion within the next four years. Software advances and the introduction of new materials are responsible for this, as they have cleared the pathway for new, creative applications. For instance, both digital anatomy and bioprinting continue to mature, and this is giving more and more manufacturers confidence in this approach.
Working with wearables
Finally, another trend that we are seeing have a big impact in the manufacturing sector is working with wearables. The aim of this form of technology is to look for applications that have the ability to improve the production efficiency of workers. From training capabilities to managing the workplace environment, there is a lot that workers will be able to achieve by using wearables to power their approach at a manufacturing warehouse.
To conclude, there is no getting away from the monumental impact that technology is having on the manufacturing sector, and will continue to have. There are a lot of exciting developments in line, and it is going to be very interesting to see how they shape the manufacturing market over the coming years.