Any doctor who accepts insurance is unfortunately familiar with the process of prior authorization automation. Prior authorizations refer to the request from a healthcare provider to an insurance payer to get authorization for a certain service and to ensure that they will pay for it. Originally, the process was meant to save resources and money for insurance companies. However, waiting on PA’s has resulted in a bottleneck that has resulted in adverse patient outcomes. This includes hospitalization, life threatening events, permanent bodily injury, and even death.
So what can you do for your patients to speed up their care? The manual process of a PA usually costs 20 minutes of time and $11, while simultaneously weighing heavily upon the administrative team. But, with recent technology like Orbit AI, that time has been cut in half and saved up to $9.60. Not only that, but this technology compiles patient information, fills out the request forms, and monitors the PA status entirely automatically. This means that 82% or more of PA requests are completed with little to no input, and 12 hours per administrative worker is freed up. Regardless of whether it’s for time, effort, or patient outcomes, automated PA systems can certainly benefit your business.

Source: Orbit Healthcare