You may be familiar with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), especially if, your business or organisation has employees or members that have any form of disability than mean that they require an added level of specialist care and assistance, your company or organization may even be entitled to funding and can make use of services that aid the future care of those affected.
What is the NDIS?
The NDIS scheme that was created with the aim is to provide people with disabilities a more personalised level of care assistance and to enhance each participant’s ability to select the support they want, whom they work with and at times that are most suited to them. The care industry is a really personal area of expertise, it is important that the people receiving the care provided are comfortable and at ease through any particular meeting or event, the providers will ensure that the most suitable candidate is chosen to help your person in need.
An individual plan will be provided to each participant in the NDIS, detailing the types of support they get, and the participant is then free to choose them from the NDIS provider. Trusted disability service providers are registered to provide a wide range of support services in some cases they have been in operation for nearly 50 years across Tasmania. The most well-established providers now deliver offices in Burnie, Devonport and Launceston across the north of Tasmania and can provide the entire range of services in each location.
The NDIS may finance a variety of support items, based on individual participants’ needs and objectives, organisations such as Multicap is an NDIS approved provider in Tasmania, you should check them out for the specifics of how they can aid your business and the people involved. They also offer workshops in which families and disabled people can get to know the Scheme more and how to help them.
What is on offer?
In order to ensure that each participant receives an NDIS package which satisfies his or her needs, you should first of all, understand which core services are offered in terms of overall available support. Once you have a better understanding you could make contact to discuss arranging a personalized plan.
The key funding includes support for daily needs and the following categories:
- Assistance with Daily Life
- Transport
- Consumables
- Assistance with Social & Community
The capital financing provides a relationship and financial support for buying and installing equipment such as the Assistive (communication-friendly) Technology as well as for any necessary changes to the home or vehicle, such as installing hoists.
The Capacity Building Fund offers support for development, support for the construction of new skills, for independence, for support management and includes:
- Increased Social and Community Participation
- Finding and Keeping a Job
- Improved Relationships
- Improved Health and Wellbeing
- Improved Learning
- Improved Life Choices
- Improved Daily Living Skills
In order to find out if your organization is eligible for funding of the services discussed it is recommended that you speak with one of the local service providers, make a call and ask away.