Home Business What to Keep in Mind About CBD Gummies Versus The Flower Itself

What to Keep in Mind About CBD Gummies Versus The Flower Itself

What to Keep in Mind About CBD Gummies Versus The Flower Itself

If you’re planning on taking CBD, you’ll be excited to learn that there are all kinds of products to choose from. For example, if you’re just now searching around, you might come across products like CBD gummies or CBD flower. But what’s the difference between the two, and how might it affect your experience? Here’s what you need to know about CBD gummies and CBD flower so you can make a confident purchase decision.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol or CBD is a compound found in the hemp plant that can be extracted and employed in numerous CBD products. CBD is generally used for sleep, stress and anxiety, and discomfort or pain. CBD works by binding with receptors throughout the body that belong to the endocannabinoid system, which is believed to offer a host of benefits. If CBD is something you’d like to try, experimenting with CBD products like flower or gummies can be an excellent way to get started.

What Is CBD Flower? What Are CBD Gummies?

It’s important to remember that CBD is a hemp derivative. Hemp, unlike cannabis, features low levels of delta-9 THC. This makes it so that you can smoke it without feeling the same characteristic high that you would get when you smoke cannabis, especially if you’re smoking CBD flower from a strain that was bred to be low in THC. If you choose CBD flower, you’re going to get the raw product.

CBD gummies are formulated using CBD that’s extracted from the hemp plant combined usually with the same ingredients to make regular gummies. This CBD is then used in a recipe that helps create the gummies. CBD edibles are quite popular, so you may want to consider them when you’re choosing between gummies and raw products like CBD flower.

What’s the Difference?

So, what are the key differences between CBD gummies and CBD flower? Besides the above, some of the differences between the two products include:

  • CBD flower is going to contain all of the hemp plant matter, including cannabinoids like THC. CBD gummies may contain THC, but you can buy products that have no THC, such as broad-spectrum or CBD isolate products.

  • CBD flower will take effect quicker. This is because of the fact that the smoke is immediately absorbed by the lungs and disbursed into the bloodstream. Meanwhile, CBD gummies take longer to take effect because they have to be processed by the stomach and then by the liver.

  • CBD flower may work faster but it may not work as long. Meanwhile, CBD gummies tend to last longer and the effects tend to be more potent because the CBD needs to be processed through the liver first.

CBD flower and CBD gummies are two popular CBD product choices at your disposal. Knowing the differences and what you can expect when you use them makes it easier to select a product that fits your needs. Use the guide above to brush up on your knowledge about CBD flower and CBD gummies before you make your first purchase.