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From Likes to Leads: How Social Media Can Skyrocket Your Business Growth


In today’s world, social media is more than just a platform for personal interactions. Thanks to social media, businesses can now reach out to their target audience more effectively than ever before. 

With millions of users on these platforms, connecting with people has never been so easy. In this article, we’ll explore how social media can help you grow your business. 

Crafting a social media marketing strategy for business growth

The first step to crafting a marketing strategy is identifying your target audience and understanding their interests. You can determine your target audience by analyzing your current customers. Look at their demographics and behaviors to determine what resonates with them.

Monitor social media conversations to see what your audience is saying about your brand and your industry. Use this information to create content that addresses their pain points and interests.

The next step is to establish a consistent posting schedule. Social media algorithms favor accounts that post frequently and consistently. Therefore, it’s important to post at least once a day to keep your audience engaged. 

Finally, analytics tools allow you to track your engagement, views, and follower growth. By analyzing this data, you can identify what’s working and what’s not and make necessary adjustments to optimize your marketing strategy.

One platform that has seen a surge in popularity in recent times is TikTok. It’s a short-form video-sharing platform that has taken the world by storm. As a business owner, creating a TikTok marketing strategy can help you engage with a younger audience and expand your reach.

Building brand awareness through social media

With over 4.2 billion social media users worldwide, it’s no wonder social media has become one of the most effective channels for businesses to reach their target audience.

Social media is an excellent tool for building brand awareness. Here are some helpful tips to increase your brand’s visibility on social media:

Create a consistent brand voice

Create a consistent brand voice across all social media platforms. Use the same tone, language, and visual elements to create a recognizable brand identity.

Use visual content

Visual content is more engaging than text-based content. Use high-quality images, videos, and infographics to grab your audience’s attention.

Use hashtags

Hashtags are an excellent way to increase your reach on social media. Trending hashtags will make your content discoverable to a broader audience.

Engage with your audience

Respond to comments and messages promptly. This will help you build relationships with your audience and increase brand loyalty.

Creating engaging content

Creating engaging content is crucial for keeping your audience interested and driving engagement. Here are some tips to help you create compelling social media content:

Use storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful way to create meaningful connections with your audience. Use storytelling techniques to make your content more relatable and memorable.

Use humor

Humor is an excellent way to make your content more engaging. Use humor to create a light-hearted tone and make your audience laugh.

Use user-generated content

User-generated content is an excellent way to increase engagement and build brand loyalty. Encourage your audience to create and share content related to your brand.

Share behind-the-scenes content

Sharing behind-the-scenes content is an excellent way to humanize your brand and showcase your company’s culture. Share photos and videos of your team and your work environment.

Common mistakes to avoid in social media marketing

Social media marketing can be a powerful tool to promote your business. However, many businesses make these common mistakes when it comes to social media marketing. One of the biggest mistakes is not having a clear strategy in place. Without a plan, your social media marketing efforts may not be as effective as they could be. 

Another common mistake in social media marketing is not being consistent with your content. Posting sporadically or irregularly can lead to a decrease in engagement and followers. Consistency is key to building a strong presence on social media platforms. It’s important to create a content calendar and stick to it, ensuring that your content is posted at regular intervals.

Another mistake businesses make is focusing too much on self-promotion. While it’s important to promote your online business on sale, providing value to your audience is equally important. Focus on creating content that is informative, entertaining, or helpful. This will help establish trust and credibility with your followers.

Finally, businesses often make the mistake of neglecting their social media analytics. Analytics provide valuable insights into the performance of your social media marketing efforts. 
So, if you’re not leveraging the power of social media yet, it’s time to take action and start reaping the benefits. If you’re ready to put your skills to the test, check out these online businesses on sale.

The Top 10 Business Must-Haves for 2023


As the business landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of the game is essential to remain competitive. This means keeping up with the latest technologies and being willing to adapt to new practices. 

Whether you’re a small business owner or a CEO of a large corporation, there are certain things that you need to have in place to ensure the success of your business in the coming years. In this article, we’ll be exploring the top ten must-haves for businesses to thrive in 2023.

Must-have #1: AI and automation technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation technology are rapidly transforming the business world. These technologies can help businesses streamline their operations and reduce. Businesses that fail to implement these technologies will struggle to remain competitive.

AI and automation technology can be used for a wide range of purposes, including customer service, data analysis, and decision-making. Conversational AI chatbots, for example, can provide 24/7 customer support, while machine learning algorithms can analyze data to identify patterns and trends. 

Must-have #2: Remote work capabilities

The rise of remote work is one of the biggest trends in recent years. Companies that don’t offer remote work capabilities will struggle to attract and retain top talent.

Remote work can provide many benefits, including increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved work-life balance. Having the right tools and processes in place is crucial to ensure that remote workers remain connected and productive. This includes video conferencing software, project management tools, and clear communication protocols.

Must-have #3: Cybersecurity measures

The threat of cyber-attacks has become increasingly significant as businesses become more reliant on technology. Businesses must have robust cybersecurity measures to protect their data and systems.

This includes implementing firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection and prevention systems. It’s also important to train employees on cybersecurity, such as using strong passwords and avoiding phishing scams.

Must-have #4: Sustainability practices for a responsible business model

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it’s becoming essential to doing business. Sustainable practices include reducing waste and emissions, using renewable energy sources, and implementing environmentally friendly processes. 

By adopting a responsible business model, businesses can reduce their environmental impact and attract customers who value sustainability.

Must-have #5: A strong online presence

A strong online presence can help businesses reach new customers, build brand awareness, and generate leads. However, it’s important to approach online marketing strategically, focusing on the channels most likely to reach your target audience. This may include social media advertising, search engine optimization, or content marketing.

Must-have #6: Personalization and customer experience

In 2023, customers will expect a personalized and seamless experience when interacting with businesses. This means using data and analytics to understand customer preferences and tailoring products and services to meet their needs.

Personalization can include targeted marketing campaigns, customized product recommendations, and personalized customer service. By focusing on the customer experience, businesses can build customer loyalty and generate repeat business.

Must-have #7: Blockchain technology for secure transactions

Blockchain technology can completely revolutionize the way businesses conduct transactions. Incorporating a decentralized ledger system ensures the security, transparency, and tamper-proof nature of transactions.

This can be particularly important in industries such as finance and healthcare, where data privacy is a top concern.

Must-have #8: Cloud-based systems for streamlined operations

Cloud computing has already transformed the way businesses operate. Cloud-based systems can provide businesses with various benefits, including increased flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.

By moving their operations to the cloud, businesses can access their data and applications anywhere, anytime. This can improve collaboration and productivity while reducing the need for expensive hardware and infrastructure.

Must-have #9: Voice search optimization and SEO strategy

Voice search is rapidly becoming a popular way for consumers to find products and services online. Businesses that fail to optimize for voice search will miss out on a significant portion of potential customers.

To optimize voice search, businesses must focus on natural language and long-tail keywords. They also need to ensure that their website is mobile-friendly and has a fast load time. 

Must-have #10: Inclusion initiatives for a stronger team

Businesses that prioritize diversity and inclusion will have a competitive advantage. Fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace can attract top talent, improve employee morale, and enhance their reputation.

Diversity and inclusion initiatives can include hiring practices prioritizing underrepresented groups, offering diversity training, and creating an inclusive workplace culture. It is also important for companies to take into account insurance coverage for such initiatives. 

The business world is rapidly changing. By taking these measures, businesses can build a stronger, more resilient team that is better equipped to tackle the challenges of the future.

Businesses that fail to stay ahead of the curve will be left behind.

Rising Adoption of Smart Home Technology

There are ever-increasing levels of comfort and convenience provided by modern technology. With technology that revolutionizes everything from thermostat management to refrigerator replenishment, smart homes aim to enhance the homeowner’s experience. Although the widespread adoption of smart technology is clearly evident everywhere, we are still in the early stages. 

There are currently more than 175 million smart homes globally, each of which has a variety of devices, applications, and software. The rise of smart devices is primarily the result of younger generations. What do Gen Z and Millennial homeowners purchase to update their homes or their apartments for rent in richmond va? Data indicate that they appear to value entertainment in their shopping decisions. Smart speakers, televisions, and hubs are frequently found in living rooms. A smart smoke detector, indoor smart lamp, or window shade could be found in the bedroom. 

Meanwhile, ovens, dishwashers, and refrigerators are common smart kitchen appliances. Compared to the rest of the house, bathrooms feature the fewest smart appliances, however they may have bidets, showerheads, or mirrors. Smart gate locks, sprinkler management systems, and garage door openers are all standard features outside the home. Buyers in the Millennial and Gen Z generations have fallen in love with smart home technology, with entertainment devices clearly taking the lead. Are you prepared for future homes?

Smart Devices and Homes of the Future

How to Stop Home Windows from Rattling


Rattling windows are a common problem in many homes. They can be noisy and annoying, but they’re also often easy to fix. Here’s how to stop home windows from rattling:

Look for visible clues

The first step to fixing your rattling windows is to identify the source of the noise.

  • Look for visible sources. Check each window, one at a time, and listen for any sounds or vibrations that may indicate loose parts moving around inside.
  • Check for loose window frames and screens. If you find something amiss with your frame or screen, remove it from its frame and tighten any screws that might be loose. You can also use a putty knife or screwdriver to simply pry up any paint chips on the edges of your window frame where they meet the wall–this will help keep everything in place as well as prevent moisture damage over time!
  • Check inside panes of glass themselves; if they’re loose enough they might need replacing too! You’ll want these fixed before winter hits so make sure you have some spare glass handy just in case.

Clean the exterior of your windows

Cleaning the exterior of your windows is a great way to get rid of any dirt or grime that may be affecting their ability to stay in place. You can use a soft cloth and water, or vinegar and water solution, or a window cleaner if you prefer. Make sure that whatever method you choose leaves no streaks behind on the glass!

To clean your windows from the inside out, start by wiping down all surfaces with paper towels; then use microfiber cloths to wipe down the glass itself (this will help prevent streaking). If there’s any excess moisture left over after cleaning, try using a squeegee attachment on your vacuum cleaner–it’ll remove any excess moisture without leaving streaks behind on your window!

Clean the interior of your windows

When you’re cleaning the inside of your windows, be sure to use a damp cloth or paper towel. The goal is to remove any dirt that may have accumulated over time. If there are fingerprints on the glass, consider using a bit of rubbing alcohol to wipe them away. 

You should also clean off any buildup around the edges of each pane, as well as inside and outside frames (including tracks).

Trim any loose nails or screws on the window frame.

You can check the frame for loose nails or screws. If you find any, tighten them.

If you find any cracks in the window frame, fix them with a sealant like silicone caulk.

Add caulk where necessary.

Caulk is a good option if your window frames have gaps, or if you have large gaps between the sashes and the exterior wall. It’s also helpful for sealing around casement hardware, which might be loose or damaged.

To apply caulk:

  • Use a tube of caulk (or a caulking gun) to squeeze out a small bead on each side of the frame where it meets with another surface (e.g., top and bottom).
  • Press this bead firmly against both surfaces so that they are sealed together by one continuous line of sealant material–this will make it easier for you later on when removing old putty without damaging paintwork!

Weather-strip your windows.

One of the easiest ways to keep your windows from rattling is to install weather-stripping around them. Weather-stripping can be bought at hardware stores, and it comes in a variety of forms: foam strips, felt strips, rubber gaskets and even vinyl tape that looks like window blinds.

You want to use the type of weather-stripping that’s best suited for your particular window frame–and you may need more than one kind depending on how many gaps there are between the window frame and wall or ceiling. 

For example, if there are gaps around all four sides of a single pane picture window (these have no mullions), then using foam tape might not be enough; instead opt for felt or rubber gaskets instead.

Rattling windows can be annoying, and there are simple fixes you can try today, without having to replace anything!

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, this task is simple and can be completed in no time.

  • Clean the exterior and interior of your windows. This will remove any debris that may be causing vibrations. You can also use a window cleaning solution to clean off any dirt or grime on the glass itself.
  • Trim any loose nails or screws on your window frame before adding caulk where necessary.

These are just a few ways that you can stop your windows from rattling. There are plenty more, so if these don’t work for you or if your problem is more severe than just some rattling sounds, then it might be time to call in an expert who can offer suggestions based on what specifically needs fixing.

Julie Roehm’s Secret to Success? A Career Fueled by Fearlessness


Julie Roehm is a paradoxical professional. By profession, she’s an exceedingly successful, detail-oriented marketer, but by habit she’s a jack-of-all-trades generalist. She’s worked and succeeded in the highly specialized worlds of finance, automotive, entertainment, e-commerce, and tech. Unfazed by the challenge of grasping nuance and complexity quickly, with each opportunity she has demonstrated granular knowledge and a deep understanding of customer needs. One firm called her their “best athlete,” and the range of her job titles over the years — from civil engineer to chief storyteller to chief information officer to chief marketing officer to chief experience officer — is a testament to this characterization. Roehm, with her vast array of interests, atypical background, and uncanny instincts, couldn’t help but be a pioneer and a trendsetter in the world of marketing. And through it all, she fearlessly trusted her gut instincts to achieve astounding accomplishments.

“There’s a difference between fear and between just feeling like it’s not right — and feeling like it’s not right is the one I think you should listen to,” she advised. “Fear is something you have to decide, is it worth overcoming and is it a matter of courage or is it a matter of ego/stupidity?”

Roehm attended an all-girls Catholic high school, graduating near the top of her class. A penchant for math and science led her to Purdue University in Indiana, where she chose a civil engineering degree with a major in environmental engineering. This felt like a good fit for her skill set, but during an experience in a co-op program with Bristol-Myers Squibb, she found that she loved attending meetings and asking higher-level strategy questions — interests beyond the typical purview of a civil engineer. Roehm followed this newfound curiosity about business strategy all the way to the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where she got her MBA. After completing an internship with American Airlines, she was invited back to the company but chose to take an offer from Ford Motor Company instead.

This first official full-time marketing role launched her career. She helped set up Ford Motor Company of Korea, interviewing customers, homologating (engineering vehicles to meet country specifications) cars, and honing strategy. She was then asked to head up brand management for the Ford Focus in the United States, which launched in 1999 and was a huge win. Other firms began to take notice. In June 2001, Roehm accepted an offer from DaimlerChrysler and was put in charge of resuscitating the Dodge brand. Her approach to this challenge would eventually become her signature: she found a way to tell a compelling story. For Dodge, it was all about heritage. “I think it’s time to dust off the DNA of this iconic brand,” she said about her campaign strategy at the time. “This isn’t about recreating. This is about letting the brand shine through.” From this came the return of the Hemi engine, a partnership with classic rock band Aerosmith, and the iconic tagline “Grab life by the horns.”

Julie Roehm was officially the marketer to beat. She helped turn Chrysler profitable with the 300C, a luxury performance sedan that led the likes of rapper 50 Cent to leave her appreciative voicemails. Fortune 500s like Discover Card came calling, but Roehm soon figured out that culture was really important to her, specifically a culture of turnarounds and transformations. She started her own strategy consulting firm, helping to turn around the fortunes of companies of all shapes and sizes. 

After a few years of leveraging her expertise in these boutique circumstances, a serendipitous conversation launched the next phase of her career. And after commenting to multinational software company SAP’s CEO in passing that she wasn’t very clear on what SAP’s role was in supporting various brands, he asked her to be his chief storyteller. Julie Roehm was officially in charge of crafting SAP’s image, and she combined a customer-centric vision with digital tools to do just that.

After an outstanding run with SAP, Julie Roehm was recruited by a close friend to join ABRA Auto Body & Glass to be her CMO and CXO. For some, the move from a world-renowned company like SAP to a 600-odd collision shop located mostly in the Midwest would feel like a step down, but for Roehm it presented an exciting turnaround challenge. Once there, she quickly figured out the pain points for customers — communication and lack of transparency in the car repair process. “There was some more transparency that a digital evolution could offer,” she said. And so she built a wholly new digital experience for customers and improved EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) by $80 million to $100 million. When the company was sold at a profit to its largest competitor, she was asked to stay on and assist with the merger — another transformation for Julie Roehm.

Roehm’s next venture was with Party City as its CMO and chief experience officer. There, she looked into the future once more, building up the firm’s digital tools and omnichannel marketing. In that role, she helped the company pivot to a delivery model during the pandemic. Currently, she serves on the boards of several firms, where she continues to share her expertise and distinguish herself as a thought leader.

What sets Julie Roehm apart as a marketer, as demonstrated by her countless triumphant campaigns, is her willingness to really listen to the customer and refuse to be blinkered by her own biases or interests. She jumps in with her sleeves rolled up — joining call center calls, selling products directly, interviewing people individually. Her “best athlete” designation is a fair one. Julie Roehm plays to her strengths, and in doing so, she improves everyone around her.

Wake Up with WakeUp: Natural Solutions for Digital Distractions


We live in a world of constant distractions, which can reduce our ability to focus, sleep, and perform to our full potential.  The average office worker runs into interruptions every 11 minutes, and experts predict that time lost to digital distractions costs over $10,000 per person per year.  

To combat distraction and the subsequent sleep deprivation and brain fog, many people turn to energy drinks and sugary foods.  42% of US Millennials regularly consume food and drink to improve their focus, often choosing coffee, energy drinks, or caffeinated tea.  Over the course of a year, a person living in the United States will consume 85 liters of caffeinated beverages. 

Many people report increased alertness, endurance, and elevated mood after consuming these beverages.  However, others experience adverse side effects.  For example, caffeine can alter sleep schedules, decrease productivity due to withdrawal, and lead to tolerance, which prevents further benefits.  Some studies suggest that caffeine may be linked to long-term health concerns such as poor heart health, digestion problems, and dementia risk. 

What are some alternatives to caffeine?  Some propose biohacking and nootropics, which focus on behavioral changes and natural supplements.  Consumers tend to prefer natural solutions, with 60% of global consumers believing that 100% natural products are healthier than their artificial counterparts. 

The WakeUp formula is an example of a natural solution.  It includes ginkgo biloba, elderberry, guarana, and carob, all of which have their own benefits.  WakeUp is designed to work with our body’s biological clock to improve focus

If you find yourself struggling with distractions, consider which options work best for you.  There are many new formulas and options, providing bountiful choices for consumers, especially those looking for natural solutions.

How Focus Can Improve Your Life
Provided by:

From Idea to Bestseller: How Selfpublishing.com Supports Authors at Every Stage of the Publishing Process


If you ask a room of ten people if any of them dream of publishing a book, you’re likely to get seven or eight people say yes. But how many actually go on to make it happen? Perhaps one at most, sadly. Selfpublishing.com is on a mission to change that.

In the past, people often viewed self-publishing as a lesser way to get a book out into the world. When there are so many tasks that the author is responsible for some things inevitably aren’t quite up to standard. That may have been true in the past but founder Chandler Bolt is on a mission to change things.

The new range of services from self publishing.com allow authors to create a top-quality book while still keeping all their royalties. Authors are free to focus on crafting the best book possible as a top-quality cover is included. Expert coaching from a bestselling author helps keep everything on track and up to standard.

Part of the reason that the selfpublishing.com team are able to meet authors’ needs so effectively is because the company is made up of successful independent authors. Founder Chandler Bolt has authored numerous bestselling books and every coach on the team is also a top-selling indie author.

Unlike a lot of companies, selfpublishing.com aims to meet authors wherever they are in the process. They know that people might be at the very start of their journey, with an idea for a book but very little more. Others are further along the path, perhaps with a completed draft but no plan on how to get it out into the world. No matter what stage of the publishing process someone is at, selfpublishing.com aims to serve their needs with only the services and support they require.

Selfpublishing.com also understands that there are many reasons you might want to write a book. From sharing the story of your life through to getting your business philosophy down in print, there are countless motivations to publish. Their team ensures that you are matched with the best fit in terms of coaching and the peer support offered. The advice and ideas provided to authors are tailored to their unique aims and objectives.

For many authors, choosing to independently publish a book is the most profitable path available to them. It’s a sad fact that the traditional publishing world offers large rewards to a select few authors while the majority struggle to earn enough. Even most of the relatively small number of people who get a book deal don’t sell enough copies to cover their advance and receive only a small amount of their royalties. Choosing to publish independently eliminates those problems.

Any author looking to enjoy the best mix of creative freedom and financial reward should definitely explore self publishing further. The books produced by selfpublishing.com are top-quality and indistinguishable from those you’d find in a bookstore. They offer you all the advice and information you need to have a successful and long-lasting author career. Why not check out what they have to offer for yourself? You will be one step closer to making your book writing dream a successful reality.

The Benefits of a Medium Firm Memory Foam Mattress for Comfort and Support


If you’ve been researching mattresses, you’ve likely come across memory foam. Memory foam is a popular choice for mattresses, as it provides superior support and comfort. It’s also a great choice for those who suffer from chronic pain, as it can help alleviate pressure points. However, there are many different types of memory foam mattresses, and one of the most popular is a medium firm memory foam mattress.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of a medium firm memory foam mattress, and why it may be the best option for you. We’ll cover the advantages of a medium firm memory foam mattress, its comfort and support, pressure point relief, temperature control, motion isolation and reduced motion transfer, durability and longevity, eco-friendliness, price and value, and more.

Introduction to a Medium Firm Memory Foam Mattress

A medium firm memory foam mattress is a type of mattress that is made from layers of memory foam. Memory foam is a viscoelastic foam that was first developed by NASA in the 1970s. It has since become extremely popular in mattresses due to its superior comfort and support. The layers of memory foam in a medium firm mattress provide support while still allowing the sleeper to sink in, providing a comfortable sleeping experience.

The term “medium firm” is used to describe the feel of the mattress. This type of mattress is not as firm as a traditional innerspring mattress, but it is also not as soft as a plush mattress. It is a perfect balance between the two, providing a comfortable sleeping experience that is not too firm or too soft.

Advantages of a Medium Firm Memory Foam Mattress

A medium firm memory foam mattress provides many advantages over other types of mattresses. It is extremely comfortable and provides superior support for the sleeper. It also provides pressure point relief and temperature control, motion isolation and reduced motion transfer, durability and longevity, and eco-friendliness. Let’s discuss these advantages in more detail.

Comfort and Support

One of the main advantages of a medium firm memory foam mattress is the comfort and support it provides. Memory foam is a viscoelastic foam, meaning it is both elastic and viscous. This allows the mattress to contour to the shape of the body, providing superior support. It also evenly distributes the weight of the body, which helps to reduce pressure points.

The medium firmness of the mattress also helps to provide the perfect balance of comfort and support. It is not too firm and not too soft, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a comfortable sleeping experience.

Pressure Point Relief

The contouring properties of memory foam also provide pressure point relief. Pressure points are areas of the body where there is increased pressure, such as the hips and shoulders. Memory foam contours to the shape of the body, reducing the pressure on these areas and helping to alleviate pain and discomfort.

Temperature Control

Memory foam is also great for temperature control. It is naturally breathable, meaning it helps to regulate the temperature of the mattress. This is especially beneficial for those who tend to sleep hot, as memory foam helps to keep them cool throughout the night.

Motion Isolation and Reduced Motion Transfer

Another advantage of a medium firm memory foam mattress is motion isolation and reduced motion transfer. Memory foam is great at isolating motion, meaning it absorbs motion and prevents it from transferring to other parts of the mattress. This is great for couples, as it helps to reduce the disruption caused by one partner’s movements.

Durability and Longevity

A medium firm memory foam mattress is also extremely durable and long-lasting. The memory foam is designed to retain its shape and support for many years, meaning the mattress can last for 10 years or more.


Memory foam is also eco-friendly. It is made from renewable plant-based materials, meaning it helps to reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing mattresses. It is also free from toxic chemicals and flame-retardant materials, making it a safe and healthy choice for you and your family.

Price and Value

Finally, a medium firm memory foam mattress is a great value for the price. It is an affordable option that provides superior comfort and support. It is also a great investment, as it is designed to last for many years.


A medium firm memory foam mattress is an excellent choice for those looking for superior comfort and support. It provides pressure point relief, temperature control, motion isolation, and reduced motion transfer. It is also extremely durable and eco-friendly. Finally, it is a great value for the price, making it a smart investment for your sleep.

If you’re looking for a mattress that provides superior comfort and support, a medium firm memory foam mattress is a great option. It provides all the benefits of a memory foam mattress while still providing the perfect balance of firmness and softness. So if you’re looking for a mattress that provides comfort, support, and value, a medium firm memory foam mattress is a great choice.

How Basic Needs Insecurity Hinders College Success


For low-income individuals, obtaining a college degree is one of the best ways to escape poverty. But the road to that degree is more daunting than many realize. Not only do low-income individuals struggle to pay education expenses, but many also face basic needs insecurity. In 2020 nationally, nearly 3 in 5 students lacked access to stable sources of food, shelter, and/or other living essentials. 

Facing hunger or homelessness is an issue in itself. When a college student deals with either, their academic performance suffers. Basic needs insecurity makes a college student 15 times more likely to fail a class. 1 in 4 students with these issues end up dropping classes to save money. Fewer than 20% of them graduate in 5 years or less. In the most dire cases, a student may drop out of college entirely. For dropouts that took out debt to fund their education, they’re left in a worse position than they started.

The good news is that many colleges have resources to help students afford food or housing. The bad news is that between 24% and 49% of students don’t know these supports exist. Of those that do, many worry about eligibility or procedure.

Supporting Student Basic Needs
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative

Social Listening-An Indispensable Tool for Online Reputation Management


Social listening is an invaluable tool for online reputation management. It allows you to keep track of what people are saying about you and your brand on social media, forums, and other online platforms. With social listening, you can monitor the conversations and take action if necessary. In this blog post, we will explore why social listening is so important and how you can use it to manage your online reputation. By the end of this post, you should have a better understanding of the power of social listening and how it can help you protect your online presence.

Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/company/reputation-guards/

Why is Social Listening So Important?

Brands today need to take social listening seriously if they want to stay ahead of the curve in a highly competitive market. Social listening is the practice of monitoring and understanding what is being said about your brand online, so that you can respond in a way that benefits both you and your customers. By doing this, you can build trust and transparency between yourself and your consumers, which will help to keep them loyal.

Social listening also provides detailed insights into what customers actually think about service and product that are being provided. This information can be used to make informed decisions about how best to serve them, as well as spot potential issues before they escalate. By understanding customer behaviour and needs, you can identify trends in the market that can be used to devise effective marketing campaigns. In short, social listening gives brands an edge over their competitors by giving them access to valuable data that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

One of the most important uses for social listening is targetting the right audience with precision thanks to comprehensive data provided by Social Listening. By understanding who is talking about your brand online, you can zero in on specific demographics or interests that might be more interested in what you have to offer than others. This allows businesses to reach their target market more effectively – whether it’s through targeted advertising or special offers specifically for those who have engaged with your brand online.

Overall, social listening is an essential practice for any business today – whether it’s small or large – because it helps build trust between brands and their consumers, Provides insights into how customers are using products or services, Helps businesses spot potential issues before they escalate (and become public), Provides a better understanding of customer behaviour which gives an edge over competitors when targeting specific demographics or interests etc….

How to Interpret, Analyze and Utilize Listening Data

Listening is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and it’s one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. By understanding what’s being said about your brand and its competitors, you can react quickly and adequately to customer inquiries, comments, and criticism. You can also proactively design campaigns tailored to customer engagement and active listening.

But listening isn’t just limited to responding to customers – you can use data from listening sessions to optimise campaign output according to measured analytics and selected social media trends. And don’t forget to incorporate sentiment analysis into your digital marketing strategies – understanding how customers feel about your brand is key in developing successful long-term strategies.

By using insights from listening data, you can help make future decisions that will help improve your brand’s performance. It’s important to remember that effective listening is a two-way street – by understanding what customers are saying about you, you can also learn how best to serve them.

How Can You Do Social Listening?

Social listening is an important part of online reputation management. It’s the practice of listening to conversations about your brand (both good and bad) in order to understand how people are feeling about it. By understanding this information, you can take steps to correct any problems and build a positive reputation for your business.

There are a number of ways that social listening can help with online reputation management. For example, you can set up alerts so that you’re always aware of any negative comments or blog posts about your brand. This will allow you to address them quickly and effectively, which will improve your online presence.

you can also use keyword analytics to measure the sentiment of your brand around certain keywords. This data will help you identify which keywords are being talked about most positively or negatively, and which ones might be more important for your business. You can then invest time and resources into promoting these keywords in order to boost traffic and improve SEO rankings.

Another important aspect of social listening is tracking competitor’s online presence. By understanding how they’re marketing their brands, you can adapt your own strategies accordingly. You could also use this information to learn from their successes and failures, which could lead to greater success for your business on the web.

Finally, social listening provides insights that can be used in product/service improvements or even new marketing campaigns entirely! By understanding what customers are saying about your products or services, you can create better versions that meet people’s needs better than ever before!

See also: The Benefits of Using Social Listening for Online Brand Management

Understanding and Benefiting from Social Listening Practices

It’s no secret that social media is a powerful tool when it comes to building relationships with customers. By monitoring and engaging with them on social media, you can gain a deep understanding of their needs and desires. This understanding can then be used to create better marketing and product strategies.

One of the most important aspects of social listening is recognizing opportunities for growth and action. When you know what people are saying about your brand and your competitors, you can take immediate action to capitalize on those opportunities. For example, if people are talking positively about competitor A, you may want to invest in marketing efforts that promote your own brand in comparison.

Another key element of social listening is responding quickly and accurately to customer inquiries. By monitoring conversations, you can identify potential issues or complaints before they become problems for your brand or customers. Then, you can swiftly address the issue – whether it’s via email or a reply on social media. This way, your customers always have positive experiences with your company and feel like they’re getting value from their interactions with you.

To Wrap Up

Social listening is an invaluable tool for online reputation management. By understanding and engaging with customers, businesses can build trust and transparency, spot potential issues before they escalate, and gain valuable insights into customer behavior and trends. Through social listening practices such as keyword analytics, sentiment analysis, competitor monitoring, and quick responses to customer inquiries, businesses can reap the rewards of this powerful strategy by creating better products and services that meet their needs better than ever before! Now is the time to take action in order to protect your online presence – start social listening today!