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Best Assets for Onboarding New Employees 


Onboarding is a critical part of employee retention, especially for startups where turnover rates can reach 70% within the first year. In a recent survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), nearly half of HR professionals said they had difficulty hiring qualified candidates because of poor onboarding practices. Onboarding is a crucial step in the employment relationship between employers and their employees, so follow these best practices to create a happy and productive team from the first day of work! 

Are Company Policies and Procedures Clear? 

This might seem like a no-brainer, but a well-written policy is essential for helping employees understand what they should expect from the organization, what they are doing, and why it matters how they behave. The best way to ensure compliance is by creating a comprehensive onboarding process that includes training materials, checklists, and processes. This will help employees understand what they should do during onboarding and provide them with the tools they need to complete it successfully. It will also allow HR staff to identify any gaps in knowledge or skills before new hires start working.

Engage Them from Day One.

Onboarding is not just about getting them started; it’s about making sure they stay engaged. It involves setting expectations, providing clear information, and helping people feel comfortable with the new way of doing things. So, what motivates them? Why did they choose this career path? What are their values? An easy entry point is to ask: “What would you like to see here?”  Doing so can help you understand where they are coming from and what they expect out of this experience. It may also involve creating a welcome email, setting expectations around privacy, explaining why they should care about your product, and so on. 

Here’s one advantage of working with a recruitment firm: this kind of personalized approach has been applied from the start! For example, at Recruiterie, they believe that each recruitment is as unique as the company and the position for which we are recruiting. To that end, they invest time in both the companies and candidates they build relationships with and work for.

Assist with Introductions to Key Team Members and Vendors 

One of the most important aspects of onboarding is getting newly acquired talent acquainted with tenured employees. Consider who the employee will work with on a regular basis. While it might not be practical for them to meet everyone in the business, ensure they meet key people like team leads, the accounting or billing departments, the human resources team and the IT department. This allows new employees to know the go-to people for both their daily work and any other work-related needs. 

Don’t forget about sending recommendations for vendors to make their job easier! For example, The Print Authority is a fantastic resource for a new hire to have at the ready for business cards, training materials, marketing materials and more. 

Strike the Right Balance with Training Intensity.

It can be easy to over- or under-train, and each has its own disadvantages. With over-training, the employees are overwhelmed by new information. You might think this would get them up to speed faster, but human brains can’t retain that much information. Give your new employees time to work and learn independently. 

Meanwhile, under-training is just as ineffective. You’re effectively telling employees that they need to figure out everything with little support. This negatively impacts morale because it makes employees feel like you don’t care about their success. It can leave even the most confident employees feeling vulnerable and unsure of their place at your company.

Encourage Communication in All Forms.

It’s important to check in with your new employees at various points during the onboarding process. You can’t know how a new hire is adjusting unless you ask them outright. Check in to see what they’ve learned so far, where they need support and whether they have any unanswered questions. Be sure to listen to their comments with an open mind, as this will encourage them to share ideas that could ultimately strengthen your business. 

A great way to encourage team-wide communication is to invest in a platform like Preciate: their Social Presence® platform promotes authentic connections that accelerate business by allowing people to naturally move through virtual spaces.  

The onboarding process is integral to helping new employees get properly established. Having the right approach ensures success for both your employees and your company overall. By adopting these best practices, you can develop an optimal process for transitioning talent onto any team!

Why is Planning Important in Cybersecurity?


One of the most important aspects of cybersecurity is planning. Without a plan, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to protect your data and systems. A good plan will help you identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, and then take steps to mitigate them. Additionally, a well-thought-out plan can help you respond quickly and effectively to a breach, minimizing the damage and helping you get back up and running as quickly as possible.

There are many factors to consider when creating a cybersecurity plan, but some of the most important include:

Identifying your assets:

In order to protect your data and systems, you first need to know what you have. Make a list of all of your important assets, including hardware, software, data, and intellectual property.

Identifying your risks:

Once you know what you have to protect, you can start to identify the risks that could potentially threaten those assets. Consider both external and internal threats, as well as natural disasters.

Creating a security strategy:

Based on the risks you have identified, you can start to put together a security strategy. This should include both preventive measures (such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems) and reactive measures (such as incident response plans).

Testing your plan:

Once you have created your plan, it’s important to test it to make sure it will actually work. This can be done through simulations and drills.

Updating your plan:

Your cybersecurity plan should not be static. As your assets and risks change, so should your plan. Make sure to review and update your plan on a regular basis.

Ensure Your Systems are Safe

Planning is essential to effective cybersecurity. By taking the time to identify your assets and risks, and create a security strategy, you can help ensure that your data and systems are safe from harm.

Why are Colleges Closing?


For most people, colleges represent a way to move forward in society. They’re a beacon of hope that anyone, through hard work and dedication, can use to educate themselves and secure a better life. It’s not terribly common that people think of all the struggles and dynamics around a college running and staying afloat. Although recently, these struggles have forced themselves into the limelight. 

In the time period between 2016 and 2019, 86 colleges shut down or merged with other universities. Between 2019 and 2020 alone, 53 colleges closed down and haven’t returned since. Universities already work on historically low margins, and COVID made it incredibly hard for any college to stay positive. Today in 2022 colleges also see notably low enrollment rates.

From 2019 to 2021, college enrollment saw its largest drop in the last 50 years at 7.8%. Put simply, college is costing more, degrees are returning less, and the kids of today are looking into other options. It’s an unfortunate cycle, as less kids enroll, colleges have less resources, and college is a less appealing option to those applying. Although it’s certainly not unsurprising.

So while this all paints a bleak outlook, it’s not all hopeless. Colleges are constantly looking into better ways to use students’ money and time, student debt is being reduced, something that will put a large positive spotlight on universities, and the more prestigious universities of today are actually seeing increases in enrollment. While the current system is likely unsustainable, there’s so much that can be done to change that.

Why Colleges Go Out of Business

Hacking for Positivity: CEO and Entrepreneur Chad Price Highlighted in New Josh Linkner Book

CEO and entrepreneur Chad Price has started several businesses in the Raleigh, NC region but is perhaps best-known for MAKO Medical Laboratories. The respected company specializes in testing, research, pharmaceutical services, and healthcare. Since launching his career, the businessman has been featured in a selection of media outlets, acknowledged with awards, and even mentioned in literature. Most recently, he was name-dropped within Josh Linkner’s latest business book: “Hacking Innovation.”

In this article, we will take a look at what the new publication is about, how Chad Price is a case study, and how hacking can be used for positivity. Here’s what you should know.

What is Hacking?

First things first, what is hacking? The simple dictionary definition of this is “the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.” When you watch spy movies, there is often a savvy hacker behind a computer screen getting the inside scoop. While hacking is often portrayed as a bad thing — and can be a criminal offense — it takes on many different variations. It may surprise you to learn that hacking has been used for good too. 

Cybercrime is one of the biggest threats to international security. For that very reason, governments spend a fortune attempting to protect sensitive data. Despite this fact, one of the things that many people overlook is the notion that you need to be smart to learn how to hack. It takes a great deal of intelligence to master this skill. That is why the same skill set can be applied to the world of business. By quickly learning how to “hack” innovation, reinvention, and transformation, business people can take their company to new heights.

Hacking Innovation by Josh Linkner

Hacking Innovation is the latest book from expert and tech startup leader, Josh Linkner. Within the publication, the New York Times bestselling author delves into the notion that hacking can be used for positive change. Along with his stellar advice and expertise, he highlights the notable achievements of MAKO Medical Laboratories CEO Chad Price. Since the entrepreneur disrupted the medical sector upon launching his startup back in 2014, it is no surprise that he has been mentioned in Josh Linkner’s most recent book. 

The publication centers on hacking philosophy and how it can be applied to the business world. As many leaders know, when you’re starting a new company, you need to innovate and work toward positive change. That means “hacking” the current system and starting something completely new. Often enough, if the idea isn’t original enough and doesn’t lead to change, it can fall flat on the ground. For that reason, it’s important to take an entirely new approach to starting a business — incorporating the fundamentals of hacking too. 

The core of the hacker philosophy is that it is ethically imperative that all information and data should be shared. Using this as a guide, the author delves into whether we can use hacking principles as a framework for positive change. He delivers the five core mindsets along with the 10 primary tactics that hackers use when they are breaking into systems. You can relate these directly to the world of business and how you manage your startup. 

Gaining the research for the book was a mission in itself. To allow him to understand the mindsets of hackers, Linkner completely immersed himself in the clandestine underbelly of these individuals. His insights include secrets from the FBI, cyber-security agents, secretive hacking societies, and even ex-cons. The result is a well-rounded book that looks at how you can transform your tech startup into an entirely game-changing entity. 

It doesn’t end there. The author has also looked into the world of tech startups and uncovers some of the practices that these individuals have used in their launch. That is where CEO Chad Price comes into play. Detailing the history of MAKO Medical Laboratories, which launched in 2014, the book looks at how the entrepreneur made it work. With years of hard work and determination, Chad Price has proved that you can enter a completely new field and make serious waves. Linkner uses his unique story as one of the many case studies within the book that can be read as a complete guide. 

The Takeaway 

Hacking Innovation is out now and available to order across the United States. While it is not an academic book, the publication features insights from some of the world’s biggest tech leaders. With that in mind, it is a must-read for anybody who wants to accelerate their startup and learn the methods used by hackers around the globe. Learning how hacking culture can translate to the modern world of business could be the key to long-term success within your professional accolades. 

Gold’s Interesting History and Value in America


Gold is an American staple of value, from its luxurious roots, to the Gold Rush, to its position as an investment today. There has never been a period in America where gold wasn’t valued. What determines gold’s value and causes short term booms and busts are of much interest then. While gold has always gone up in value in the long term, looking year after year interesting trends reveal themselves.

Investments in America tend to follow one principle with certainty, investments fail to be secure the moment they are defaulted on. While this is rare for the most part, there’s always the danger of banks failing, with a history of bailouts riddling American banks. Gold makes itself the exception by being unable to be defaulted on.

This is because gold is not just a financial investment, it is a physical entity. This is the reason behind its security and particularly odd trends of booming and busting. While most investments will start to drop heavily as inflation rises, wages drop, and the economy generally falters, gold doesn’t. Gold sees its biggest increases in value during these times.
Gold is tangible and importantly finite. This means as the dollar loses value in the U.S in times of inflation, the real value of gold remains the same, so it will follow the trend of inflation by growing in value. While this isn’t a perfect trend, it makes gold one of the most reliable investments, specifically in times of economic uncertainty. There’s no investment quite like gold.

In An Era Of Inflation, Gold Still Reigns Supreme
Brought to you by: usgoldbureau.com

How To Grow A Business Without Breaking The Bank And Impacting Cash Flow Negatively


Growing a business will be the first goal of a founder after the revenue of the business has stabilized. Mistakes are made by some entrepreneurs when starting a business as they try to do too much at once. Draining the cash flow on extraneous things rather than establishing processes is very unwise. You want to have a plan to roll out certain features of the business as cash flow continues to stay healthy. You do not want to stunt growth due to not having the appropriate amount of cash to utilize. Below will outline various tactics to grow a business without crippling cash flow while keeping costs in mind. 

Renting Or Purchasing Used Equipment

The equipment for a business is going to depend on what type of business you are running. You might need to invest in scaffolding for sale for a home improvement business or computers for a digital marketing company. Used equipment is another option as not everything has to be brand new. As long as you can complete quality work with the equipment in an efficient manner, then used equipment is just as good as new equipment. 

Hire Slowly

Hiring too quickly can lead to employees not having enough work to do. You want a nice balance between employees pushing their productivity and morale. Pushing too hard can lead to burnout and will lower employee retention numbers. People want to be appreciated rather than constantly pushed which is difficult for some entrepreneurs to realize. You want to hire for the work that you currently have rather than work that the company could potentially land. Scaling part-time employees up is an option if there is a sudden growth in the business. 

Digital Marketing Is So Important 

The digital marketing that a new business does can help them build a brand and legitimize the business. You want to be able to rank on search engines for certain keywords and phrases. Creating content on the website is going to be important when it comes to these rankings. You need to create quality content as this is so important and generic content can be a waste of time as well as money. 

Social media can be a lifesaver for a small business that is trying to compete with much larger businesses that have massive budgets. Promoting content on social media is free and boosting a post only costs a few dollars. The social profiles that you claim also show up quite high on search engines as websites like Twitter have massive amounts of traffic. Tracking the return on the time and money spent on social media is far easier than you’d expect with the technology available. 

Growing your business is going to be something that presents a number of challenges. Dealing with these challenges is going to be far easier when you have some cash to throw at it. Don’t drain cash flow until your business is established and revenue has stabilized for months.

The Mandela Effect: How The Internet Affects Our Memories


Did you know that 30% of people could be convinced of experiencing a false autobiographical event? While many people may think they have very strong memories, recent studies have actually proven that 76% of adults fail to recall information accurately! There are even instances in which many people recall the same information incorrectly which is known as the Mandela Effect.

The Mandela Effect is an umbrella term that is used to describe different memory phenomena, but is most commonly used to describe when a large group of people all share the same incorrect memory. While instances of this have been recorded for years, some scientists believe that the advent of the internet has increased the frequency of the Mandela Effect. 

The internet has led to information being more widely available to all people. As many people know, not all the information online is true, but with so many people pitching in their opinions and resharing fake information, it can be hard to find the truth. With our natural desire to fit in, people may conform and start to believe untrue information which is what can lead to more instances of the Mandela Effect overall.

To protect your memories and to ensure all information you are finding is true it is important to fact check anything you find online. Learn more strategies on how to protect yourself from the Mandela Effect in the infographic below:

Mandela Effect
Brought to you by: Online-Psychology-Degrees.org

Charity helps solve issues explained by Shlomo Rechnitz


Charities are there to help to emergencies, restore as well as restore. Charities can engage resources partners to meet immediate and long-term requirements in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Shlomo Rechnitz explains that some charities conduct studies to address specific health problems and to provide assistance and support for family members, patients or family caregivers. 

Many people don’t want to be willing to volunteer for or contribute to a company but will do it to contribute to a cause they believe in.

Humanity is inextricably which has a link to our human nature

Shlomo Rechnitz says that people feel more comfortable to be able to assist others. It increases empathy, compassion understanding, and connects us. Helping allows us to recognize ourselves in others and focus on the similarities and not the differences.

In giving back by giving back our abundance of generosity resources, time along with our time and time instead of storing and isolating which creates a gap within the society.

Offering resources like time and money

In Shlomo Rechnitz’s opinion charity can be defined as offering resources like time and money to those in dire need, without seeking any return in exchange. This selfless act of giving helps those most vulnerable people in society and ensures that those in need have the things they need to survive.

In addition, it’s an effective method to have peace of mind for those who have snowballs in their heads. Additionally, there are many other benefits of charitable giving.

The most significant ones are:

It is a way to make use of the power of the community

We all know that a single digit can’t cause damage to a face and a punch will. The strength of everyone is always greater than that of one person. Donations from large organizations are extremely valuable. People who love humanity and are willing to serving humanity have the greatest power.

It provides a variety of tangible benefits to donors.

Shlomo Rechnitz has already stated that there shouldn’t be any expectations placed on the charity. It brings a lot of intangible benefits for the organization. Helping others achieve an atmosphere of tranquility, pride and the sense of purpose. If people feel the joy you offer, they are more generous toward you or your company.

Fill in the gaps that the government could not do

Charities are essential for filling in gaps when the government cannot or won’t provide the necessary assistance. Giving to an NGO that helps feed homes, shelters, and clothes disaster victims could mean the difference between the lives of someone who is dying or living.

Shlomo Rechnitz explains that Government agencies are often slow to respond, and they must go through a lot of paperwork to go through before aid is authorized. Particular charities and NGOs which focus on specific issues and events are more adaptable and are able of getting in the field quickly and identifying the most urgent problems and utilizing local networks to react promptly.

Every business should give to a non-profit or charity within their local area that best is a reflection of their beliefs. A local charity is always the best option since they are more knowledgeable about current problems in communities.

It instills a sense generosity into the next generation

It’s a selfless act to give to charities. There is no financial benefit. Giving for the sake of giving leads to more caring, socially-minded setting. Children who knows the value of selflessness and generosity will be more likely to show generosity as they mature. This can lead to long-term change and leaves a positive legacy.

Aids in achieving gender equality

The issue of gender inequality remains one of the most significant problems. Although there has been progress in numerous areas. It’s a big hope that gender equality will require around a century to attain.

Numerous charities are directly in, in this issue, with a focus on the issues faced by girls and women. Education access, greater career opportunities and health facilities all contribute to reducing the gender gap in the globe.

helps alleviate poverty

Shlomo Rechnitz explains that charitable organizations can help reduce poverty. This is because of an emphasis on the causes that cause poverty, like gender inequalities and a lack of education opportunities.

The rate of poverty in 1990 fall by half, which was five years ahead of what was expected in 2015. The achievement was not possible without the assistance of charities.

Application to study medicine in the USA explained by Dr. Mohamed Aswad

Dr. Mohamed Aswad explains that in order to be accepted into medical school in the USA a student from outside of USA must meet these requirements:

  • Undergraduate academic record (Bachelor degree),
  • Scores on the MCAT,
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Extracurricular activities,
  • Personal characteristics and

Engagement in medical treatment

The majority of medical schools allow international students to apply via an application process called. The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) in the event. They’re pursuing the Doctor of Medicine degree or the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS). In the case of an Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine degree. Utilizing these services is highly recommend since they will make it easier for you to save time. There are some medical schools are not able to take international students.

Study Medicine: Medical Residency in USA

Dr. Mohamed Aswad explains that each of the specialties within medicine has its own specific curriculum that determines the duration and contents of the residency training required for practicing in the specialty. Courses vary from three years following Medical school to study internal medicine. To five years for surgical training to the seven-to-8 years of neurosurgery. These do not include research periods that could last between one and four years, if the Ph.D. degree is pursued. Every specialty training program includes an internship year in order in order to fulfill the requirements for state licensure, or mandates that the year of internship. You must complete prior to starting the program during the end of the second year post-graduation.

Cost of tuition for medical school in the USA

The cost of medical school in the USA is one of the most expensive programs worldwide. In light of the fact that there isn’t any financial aid available to students from abroad, the prospective candidates must show that they are able to pay around 25,000 dollars annually. Additionally, the majority of the medical universities which allow international students to attend are private. There the annual tuition cost is about $40,000,

Dr. Mohamed Aswad explains that the cost of tuition for both public and private medical schools in the USA about 10 to 10 years ago could be up to 35,000 or $ 50,000 per year. For the annual tuition fee, students should also have an adequate amount of living expenses while studying in the USA.

The student who can pay the pricey medical school tuition and costs of living, and who has the possibility of gaining admission to USA medical school. After having completed his medical education in the USA and will be able to practice nearly everywhere.

Alternative to Studying Medicine in USA

The majority of medical schools in the USA are very expensive and admissions are difficult. In the majority of cases. Medical schools that are public in USA don’t have seats for medical students from. Outside the United States and acceptance rates for USA students who are residents of the country does not exceed 50%.

In addition, the majority of USA student and International students enroll in medical universities overseas. In the top universities out of the country, are medical schools located in East Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Check, Ukraine, and Russia, etc), the Caribbean, China, Italy and Malta, and Germany.

Many medical schools in Medicine within these nations are quite affordable and simple to enter (no requirement to hold an undergraduate degree), and Medical programs (medicine and dentistry, pharmacy and public health, nursing and veterinary medicine, etc.,) programs are available in English as well as fresh or German medical degrees are recognized worldwide. Medical education, as well as the MCAT test are not required to be able to get admissions to medical schools in Europe. High school diplomas are sufficient. Although some universities may offer an entrance test in a medically oriented area like Biology, Chemistry and Physics Some universities accept students according to their academic qualifications.

Bojandsons.com Explains the Primary or secondary laws govern the construction industry within your region

bojandsons.com explains that U.S. construction projects are subject to specific state laws including anti-indemnity statutes rapid payment laws and lien statutes, home court’ laws governing the project, retention rules, and venue statutes. State legislation can apply to specific types of projects and also. For instance, the majority of states have laws governing public-private partnerships. Federal legislation interacts with the construction sector in certain circumstances like the construction of an infrastructure project.

authorities supervise the construction industry and enforce the law on construction

The state courts as well as private arbitral tribunals have the most important role in enforcing the rights of the parties to contracts. They also enforce state-specific laws that pertain to building industry issues. For instance, the anti-indemnity laws and prompt payment laws as well as lien statutes, ‘home court’ law governing the courts, venue rules and retention statutes. The federal regulatory authority, as well as their state counterparts can also supervise construction projects when it comes in contact with a subject that is regulated. 

For instance, it is the Environmental Protection Agency oversees a project’s environmental elements and The Occupational Safety and Health Administration oversees worker safety, and The Department of Labor has authority to regulate issues like overtime and minimum wage as well as The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission governs wholesale sales and transmission of natural gas and electricity and also regulates the transport of oil through pipelines.

License for the project

bojandsons.com explains that the licensing requirements and procedures for construction projects differ according to the kind of construction (e.g. commercial, residential or even industrial) and the state in which it is located. The requirements for licensing are not usually strict. Certain construction projects may have to meet regulations for inspection and permit from the government that are also different according to the state and locality.

Professional licensing, and qualifications

Many construction professionals aren’t required to hold specific certifications. The most important metric in the field is the years of experience and previous projects that have been successfully completed. Contractors and owners of construction projects can establish their own qualifications and specifications.

Certain kinds of professionals may require certifications or licenses, like electricians and installers of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning and non-destructive test professionals.

bojandsons.com explains that the Designers who want to become licensed can do this by becoming professional engineers. The requirements for this type of license are determined by the state, but typically comprise a degree from a four-year university or work experience of at least a year and the passing of some or all of the tests. In some instances, it is governed on a state-by-state basis an engineer who is a professional may have to seal, sign or seal technical papers.

Special rules or restrictions are applicable to construction professionals from abroad

Foreign construction professionals aren’t under any rules or restrictions, aside of the requirement for work authorization as required by U.S. immigration law. A variety of visas are offered for foreign workers, for instance, an H-2B visa (for temporary labor that is not agricultural) as well as the E-B3 Visa (for skilled workers professionals, professionals, or untrained workers). From a practical perspective the construction industry professionals from abroad must be able to communicate effectively with workers, however many depend on interpreters in communicating.

Structures of projects

A formal or corporate structure is allowed in construction projects so that it doesn’t fall foul of the requirements of business associations (e.g. it can’t be a fake company). Contractors and owners are able to structure projects however they feel appropriate, usually using the concept of joint ventures (JVs) or corporations or limited liability corporations. The advantages of various corporate structures depend on the particular circumstances.

For large-scale projects, JVs are common since the company is not able to have all the required knowledge or resources on its own. Additionally, due to the sheer size of these projects. The majority of owners and contractors want to spread the risk of completing the project over several balance sheets. The length of the JV, whether it is short or long-term depends on the specific business requirements of JV partners and the expected requirements of the project.

The majority of owners utilize subsidiaries and special purpose project companies to shield parents and affiliated businesses from the risk of project-specific liability. Contractors can establish special purpose entities however, should they choose to do so the owners usually require assurances from the parent company.